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because you deserve to feel sexy

A Boudoir Experience

Our boudoir sessions are designed to help you feel beautiful, confident, and empowered. We work with you to create a comfortable and safe space where you can let your guard down and embrace your unique beauty. Whether you want to surprise your partner or celebrate yourself, our boudoir sessions are the perfect way to do it.
The House Of Photography, Richmond, VA

What is Boudoir?

It's a photographic style  featuring, sensual, romantic, intimate and  erotic images of its subjects". Technically, that's all true, but it's not the full story. Boudoir is so much more than sexy outfits, a face full of makeup and provocative positions. It's about looking at an image and seeing a piece of your soul reflected back in a way you've never experienced. It's a way to pull back the layers of our job titles, societal norms, daily expectations and baggage around how we see ourselves normally to reveal a truer version of who you are.

You have a clear brand identity and style that photography can convey visually.

Become A Boudoir Baddie

Learn to love your body as it is.

Feel sexy just for you!

A chance to see your unique beauty

The House Of Photography, Richmond, VA
The House Of Photography, Richmond, VA

book your session!

Host A 

Unveil your beauty and unleash your inner sexy by earning free boudoir photos when hosting a luxurious and empowering party with your closest friends!

our process...



Let's make sure your session is everything you've dreamed of! Before you set your session date, we'll have a consultation call to go over all the details of your session.


The Session

We'll walk you through the posing, so you don't have to worry about having any modeling experience. We'll make sure your comfortable and happy with every pose we put you in, so that by the end of your session, you're feeling confident and beautiful!



The next day after your session you will view your beautiful images as you choose and order your final selections.

Unveil Your Beauty & Unleash Your Sexy

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The House Of Photography, Richmond, VA

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